• November


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    Atlanta advances array of storm water management options as state focuses its …

    On Nov. 27, if all goes as planned, the city’s long-awaited proposal to improve the management of storm water is to get its first hearing by the Utilities Committee of the Atlanta City Council. Advocates hope the council will enact it early next year and Mayor Kasim Reed will sign the legislation.

    In addition, lots of blue sky ideas emerged after a presentation by Denise Quarles, Atlanta’s sustainability director, at last week’s meeting of SERHAS – including this one from Norman Koplon, the city’s long-time director of buildings: Why not catch storm water that runs off Ga. 400, south of the tollgates, and use it to irrigate the……..

    • August


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    Atlanta considers new storm water rules as part of rainwater harvesting program

    A renewed push is underway in Atlanta to harvest rainwater and improve the management of storm water in an era of sustained drought.

    Rainwater harvesting is one proposed response to the need for better management of water resources. Credit: Southeast Rainwater Harvesting Systems Association

    Advocates say a regional rainwater harvesting program could produce more than 20 million gallons of water a day. That represents about 16 percent of metro Atlanta’s net consumptive use of about 125 million gallons a day, according to the latest figures maintained by the Atlanta Regional Commission.

    Two efforts are ramping up to improve the management of the region’s water resources: The drafting of potential new storm water regulations in Atlanta that would apply to all new homes, and to certain additions to existing homes and commercial properties; And, a renewed push throughout the region to encourage property owners to harvest rainwater.

    • March


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    10 ways to save water in commercial buildings – Consulting-Specifying Engineer

    10 ways to save water in commercial buildings Consulting-Specifying Engineer Commercial rainwater harvesting systems (see Figure 5) can be a viable option for owners and designers where a building with a large roof area also requires a high demand for nonpotable water. Again, this is based on the …..

    • February


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    Hydroforce pump for rainwater harvesting – World Pumps

    Hydroforce pump for rainwater harvesting World Pumps The pump features an alloy bulkhead, pressure release gap and patent-pending twin chamber design which prevents ingress of water to motor, electrical components and to bearing oil. The Hydroforce pump is pressure sensitive, and turns itself off until ..

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Costs of Custom Homes

The first thing most people want to know is: What does it costs to build a 3000 sqft custom home in the Atlanta, GA. market?  The first thing you have to calculate is the square footage you want.  Once you have that, the numbers below give you a good starting point.

Adjusted Square Foot Calculation:

New Construction:

